Arduino christmas tree ornament

A quick rundown on a christmas ornament project I created using Arduino

Image credit: Adafruit


I wanted a blinking Christmas ornament as a gift, so I decided to make one! I needed a low power, small Arduino that had a built-in on/off switch and was easily powered by an LiPo battery.


With a built-in power switch, a JST battery plug and Arduino compatible microcontroller, the Adafruit Gemma fit the bill. Also for under ten bucks it’s not bad, especially when I’m supporting Adafruit and all of their contributions to the open source community. For the LED, I picked up a NeoPixel Ring and Jewel.


I used Fritzing to quickly generate a wiring diagram. Fritzing is free and open source. To use the free version, download the app from their github site. To include the adafruit parts, I needed to get the Adafruit Frtzing library here.

xmas ornament bb




While this project makes a fun and lovely Christmas ornament, it doesn’t have to sit in the ornament bin collecting dust all year. It’s a versatile project that can be used for each and every holiday, just experiment with the NeoPixel colors and patterning to fit the occasion!

John Franco Saraceno
John Franco Saraceno
Scientist. Maker. Developer.

My interests include environmental monitoring, drones, open source hardware and software projects, smart home automation and cellular IoT.
